The society



A non-profit organization is established and named "Italian Society of Biophysics and Molecular Biology".


The Society aims at facilitating study and research activities in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, by all means deemed appropriate. To achieve its goals, the Society promotes various activities, in particular:

- cultural activities: workshops, conferences, debates, seminars, fìlm presentations, documents, and lessons/courses
- training activities: theoretical/practical updating courses for educators, teachers, social workers, creation of study and research groups; publishing activity: publication of a bulletin, publication of conference proceedings, seminars, studies and research carried out by the Society.


The Society’s bodies are:

  • The General Meeting of the Members
  • The Executive Committee
  • The President
  • The Manager-Treasurer


The President administers and represents the Society, and he/she can delegate specific administration issues to the Manager-Treasurer.


The Society’s assets are made up of Members’ contributions and of any donation made to the Society, along with all other property acquired with such availability. The registration fee is established by the Executive Committee. Any extraordinary contributions can be decided on at the General Meeting.

It is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, the profits or operating surpluses, any funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Society, unless the destination or distribution is imposed by law.



Scholars of Molecular Biophysics and Molecular Biology, active in the research field as proven by his/her publications in qualified scientific journals, may be admitted to the Society. The admission of the members is delegated by the Society's Executive Committee according to the procedure established in the Regulation. Members in arrears with the annual fee cannot be elected to the Society’s offices.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of the President, 7 Counsellors (from among whom the Manager-Treasurer is selected), and a President-Elect, as established below.

All the members of the Executive Committee are elected by the active electorate.

The President remains in office for four years and cannot be re-elected consecutively.

One year before the expiration of the office term of the President, the next President is elected. He/she will becomes an effective member of the Executive Committee a year before his/her effective service as President, with the office of President-Elect. The remaining 7 Counsellors, composed of 5-6 Regular members and 1-2 Junior members, are elected by the entire active electorate, remain in office for three years, and can be re-elected consecutively for a maximum of one additional term. The members of the Executive Committee can also be elected to the office of President. Should one of them become President-Elect, he/she will be replaced as a Counsellor the following year with another round of elections. In case of resignation of one of the Counsellors, the President has the right to call for supplementary elections with the timing judged appropriately to ensure an adequate rotation of the Executive Committee’s members.

The Manager-Treasurer’s office lasts 3 years, renewable if re-elected, and appointed by the President.

In the Executive Committee, the President has a preferential vote in the event of a tie. The procedure for submitting candidature to the Assembly is set by the Regulation.


Scientific meetings

The Society organizes a Scientific Meeting annually open to SIBBM Members and non-members alike.

The procedure for planning the Scientific Meetings and presentations is established in the Regulation.


The General Meeting of the Members

The General Meeting of the Members can be Regular or Extraordinary and both can be convened by means of paper or electronic communication.

The Regular General Members’ Meeting is normally convened by the President with a post on the website, at least once a year during the Scientific Meeting of the Society.

An Extraordinary General Members’ Meeting can be convened by the President upon the request of the Executive Committee or of a minimum of 20% of the Regular Members, with the same procedures as the Regular General Members’ Meeting.

Both Meetings can also be held electronically, with electronic voting being decisive.

Each resolution of the Regular and Extraordinary Meeting is taken by majority, with the exception of amendments to the Statute which must be taken by a two-thirds majority.

The proposed amendments to the Statute must be communicated to the Members at least 30 days before the Meeting where they shall be deliberated, by posting them at the Society’s headquarters and/or on the website.

The Regular General Members’ Meeting examines the final balance for the last financial year for approval.

This financial statement may be approved previously by an Auditor designated by the previous General Members’ Meeting.

Members may be consulted by letter or via electronic means such as email on any topic of interest for the Society.


The Social Year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.


For all that is not specifically provided for in the Statute, the Regulation is valid.

The possible dissolution of the Society is decided by an Extraordinary General Members’ Meeting. The remaining assets of the Society must be devolved to an association with similar purposes or donated for purposes of public utility, upon consultation of the control body, if appointed, as per art. 3, paragraph 190 of the law 23.12.96, n. 662.