Job Offers

Job Offers

21 febbraio 2025 Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD fellowships - 2025-2028

Application Deadline: 15 Mar 2025 - 23:59 (Europe/Brussels). EFFecT (European Training Program to Foster the Full Therapeutic Potential of Antisense Technology across Tissues) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (2025-2028), offering 12 PhD positions to address tissue-specific delivery challenges, imparting knowledge on diverse ASO modalities, and creating a roadmap for ASO therapeutics in Europe.

15 gennaio 2025 Post doc position at University of Bologna

Prof.Capranico is hiring a young postdoc to work on genome instability, topoisomerase I and transcription with a genome-wide approach. Experience with bioinformatics and/or advanced methods in the field is a plus. If interested, please contact:

03 dicembre 2024 Research positions at CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate, Naples

The first project aims to study molecular pathways and identify therapeutic strategies in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (funded by an AIRC Investigator Grant). The second project aims to establish gene editing therapy for a rare skin disease (funded by a US Research Grant).

18 ottobre 2024 Post-doctoral researcher at European Institute of Oncology (IEO) - Milan

The European Institute of Oncology (IEO) is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to join Dr. Tiziana Bonaldi’s Research Group of Nuclear Proteomics. The position is part of a project on multi-omics and organotypic models in low-grade serous ovarian cancer (OC). The post-doc will be dedicated to the proteomics and epi-proteomics analysis of OC patient samples and patient-derived organotypic models. The contract is initially for 12 months, renewable.

17 ottobre 2024 Post-doctoral position at San Raffaele Scientific Institute

A post-doctoral position is open in the Gabellini laboratory to characterize the molecular pathogenesis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and test novel therapeutic approaches. The project will integrate manipulation of cellular and animal models with genome-wide and functional approaches.

19 settembre 2024 Research fellowship at IGM-CNR Pavia

A research fellowship is available at the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, National Research Council (IGM-CNR). The focus of the research is about alternative splicing regulation of cancer vasculature

18 settembre 2024 Postdoc position at University of Padova

A three-year post-doctoral position funded by a MFAG AIRC is available to study the link between ferroptosis and aggressive melanoma dissemination through the blood.

18 settembre 2024 Postdoc positions at University of Padova

Two post-docs to push forward published and unpublished work on the role of mitochondria as transducers of mechanical signals in physiology and disease.

22 maggio 2024 Positions at INGM, Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare, Milan

The Genome biology lab has multiple fully funded opportunities available for both young and experienced scientists, along with technician/lab manager roles.

29 aprile 2024 Posizione RTT presso CIBIO - Università di Trento

SCADENZA: 16 MAGGIO ore 12.00. Posizione con contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato di n. 1 ricercatore/ricercatrice in tenure track, ai sensi dell’art. 24 della Legge 30 dicembre 2010 n. 240, presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare, Computazionale e Integrata - CIBIO, settore concorsuale 05/E2 (Biologia molecolare), settore scientifico disciplinare BIO/11 (Biologia molecolare)

08 aprile 2024 PhD student position at University of Padua and Venetian Institute Molecular Medicine

The laboratory of Prof. Massimo Santoro is seeking a PhD student to study endothelial signaling and metabolic pathways in Endo-MT-driven pathological angiogenesis. The positions will start 2024 (flexible).

26 marzo 2024 Bioinformatics post -doc position at IIT - Genova

A fully supported postdoc position is immediately available at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova in the laboratory of Dr. Dafne Campigli Di Giammartino.The successful candidate will work in a multi-disciplinary team and will analyze in-houseproduced multi-omics data aiming to understand the role of non-coding RNAs in mediating 3D chromatin architecture in embryonic stem cells and cancer stem cell models.

08 febbraio 2024 Post-doctoral position at San Raffaele Institute

A post-doctoral position is open in the Gabellini laboratory at OSR to characterize the molecular pathogenesis of FSHD muscular dystrophy and test novel therapeutic approaches.

01 febbraio 2024 Research fellowships at the Institute of Molecular Genetics Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza of the National Research Council (IGM-CNR).

Two research fellowships are open in the Ghigna laboratory at the Institute of Molecular Genetics Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza in Pavia

08 gennaio 2024 Post-doc positions in cell biology and in cancer biology at Istituto Superiore di Sanità - Roma

We are currently seeking talented and motivated individual to join our team and work on different projects funded by NIH, Italian MoH or Italian MoUR focused on investigating: - The role of the replication stress response during HPV infection and the effect of host replication caretakers. This position is available from April 2024 - The relationship between replication stress and paracrine signaling, with a specific emphasis on cancer chemoresistance. This position is available from June 2024. - The mechanisms underlying the synthetic lethal relationship between the function of WRN and the microsatellite instability in cancer. This position is available from September 2024. Experience in molecular cell biology working on human cell models is required. All post-doc positions offer an initial one-year appointment (including full social security and pension) and the possibility of extension for an additional 2 years, depending on a positive final evaluation. Net salary is in the 1750-1850 Euros/month range. To apply for this position, please send an email to

15 dicembre 2023 Postdoctoral position-Bioinformatician at IIT Milan

Deadline: January 15th 2024. The group, headed by Prof. Mattia Pelizzola has extensive experience in post-transcriptional regulation in cancer. The research focuses on understanding how MYC, an important transcription factor and oncogene, shapes the dynamics of RNA metabolism by impacting these steps of the RNA life cycle. This project relies on mathematical modelling methods established in the group and Nanopore sequencing of native RNA.

15 novembre 2023 Post-doc position at University of Trento

Deadline: 4 December 2023. The project, funded by AIRC, aims to study cancer with cutting-edge methods that allow coupling extensive data with a high-resolution investigation.

16 ottobre 2023 Post doc position at the University of Torino - Lab. Prof. Neri

Neri's research group focuses on the functional characterization of epigenetic changes/ alterations that occur in somatic stem cells during aging and lead to cancer.

11 ottobre 2023 Postdoc in computational genome biology Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)

Deadline: 31 October 2023. This open position is fully funded by the Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation within the project: “Investigating genome structural variability at the nanoscale

26 settembre 2023 Post-doctoral position at University of Padua

The laboratory of Prof. Massimo Santoro at Dept. of Biology, University of Padua and Venetian Institute Molecular Medicine is seeking for a postdoc fellow to address the role of localized mRNA translation in the context of angiogenesis

21 settembre 2023 Post-Doctoral position at the Molecular Biotechnology Center, Torino

Post-Doctoral position in the field of molecular biology and therapeutic applications in breast cancer and melanoma progression

13 settembre 2023 Postdoctoral research fellowship at IBPM-CNR, Rome

Deadline: early October 2023. Within the activities of Centro Nazionale 3 funded by the PNRR, a two-year postdoctoral position is available at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology of CNR (Rome), hosted at Sapienza University. The research will focus on targeting and characterizing oncogenic long-noncoding RNAs in the cerebellar cancer Medulloblastoma, using innovative systems for RNA drug delivery.

03 luglio 2023 Postdoc research associate position at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome

We are currently seeking a talented and motivated individual to join our team and work on an NIH-funded project focused on investigating the role of the WRN protein in the molecular mechanisms controlling the remodelling of perturbed DNA replication forks, with a specific emphasis on their correlation with HPV infection and induced replication stress. This position is available from February 2024 and offers an initial two-year appointment (research contract including full social security and pension), with a mid-term evaluation, and the possibility of extension for an additional year, subject to a positive final evaluation. To apply for this position, please send an email to no later than October 30th.

19 giugno 2023 Postdoctoral scientist positions at University of Turin

Deadline: 30 June 2023. The projects are generously funded for up to 4 years by the European Research Council Starting Grant “TRANS-3”, and involve the mechanistic study of 3D chromatin organization and function in human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) and hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, leveraging on genome editing, super-resolution imaging, and genomics.

13 giugno 2023 Job position at University of Salerno

2-years postdoctoral and pre-doctoral positions are available at the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry ‘Scuola Medica Salernitana’ at the University of Salerno to study the role of trained immunity in chronic inflammatory skin diseases and identify new therapeutic targets.

07 giugno 2023 Pre-doctoral/PhD fellowship at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome

A predoctoral position is available at the genome stability group of the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) in Rome. The predoctoral fellow will work on a project that aims to define molecular mechanisms involved in controlling remodelling of perturbed DNA replication fork and their correlation in chemosensitivity of cancer. Position is initially available for one-year, renewal up to four years. Upon positive evaluation, fellow is expected to enroll into a PhD course in cell biology at the end of the first year. Position is intended to start at the beginning of September.

06 giugno 2023 PhD program in Biomolecular Sciences, CIBIO, University of Trento

Deadline: July 5th. Our international PhD program creates an exciting learning and research experience dedicated to outstanding and motivated graduate students. The program offers three competitive curricula, Biomolecular Sciences, Bioindustry, and Quantitative Biology, which not only offer challenging educational and research experiences but also prepare our students for the current global demand for educated professionals in these growing fields. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work with us at the University of Trento, Italy, developing new and ambitious research projects. Apply today! 20 fully-funded fellowships; 3-year program; start date: 1 Nov 2023.

31 maggio 2023 PhD position at University of Trento

3-years fully funded PhD position focusing on the identification of novel druggable targets for retinal degenerations. The final goal is to develop novel therapeutic approaches by candidate drug screening. The project will be developed in the Neural Development and Regeneration Lab at CIBIO Department that has extensive experience on the characterization of animal models for neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.

03 maggio 2023 Research Assistant position at Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli (Rome, Italy)

A Research Assistant position is open to join the team of Dr. Valentina Cianfanelli, at the Department of ”Women, children and public health sciences” of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, in the Unit of “Cancer Gynaecology”, led by Prof. Giovanni Scambia.

03 maggio 2023 Postdoctoral fellow position at Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli (Rome, Italy)

A Postdoctoral fellow position is open to join the team of Dr. Valentina Cianfanelli, at the Department of ”Women, children and public health sciences” of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, in the Unit of “Cancer Gynaecology”, led by Prof. Giovanni Scambia. The position is available as early as June 2023.

07 aprile 2023 Postdoctoral research fellowship at University of Trento

Deadline: 15th May 2023.
The NeuroEpigenetics Laboratory is offering a 2-years, full-time postdoctoral research fellowship to investigate the therapeutic potential of specific RNA molecules in the context of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

28 marzo 2023 PhD position at University of Turin

The PhD will be developed within the Doctoral School of the University of Turin and, in particular, in the PhD course in Molecular Medicine hosted at the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences. The main focus of the research will be the application and development of bioinformatics approaches and machine learning techniques on biological source data.

06 marzo 2023 Bioinformatics Analyst position at SR-Tiget - Milan

We are looking for a highly motivated bioinformatician to work at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) in Milan, Italy, at the interface with the following research groups:Alessio Cantore Unit and Luigi Naldini Unit. We offer 1-year renewable contract, competitive salary, based on qualification and experience. The position is immediately available.

28 febbraio 2023 Posizioni pre- e post-dottorato per studiare lo sviluppo ematopoietico- Ospedale San Raffaele - Milano

Interessato a capire come si formano le cellule del sangue per generarle in laboratorio? Disponibili posizioni ERC-funded pre- e post-doc per studiare lo sviluppo ematopoietico presso l’Istituto San Raffaele – Telethon per la Terapia Genica (SR-TIGET) all’Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano nel gruppo guidato da Andrea Ditadi (link:
Chi fosse interessato può inviare il proprio CV, i contatti e-mail di tre referenti e una descrizione di interessi e motivazione a
Altri dettagli sono presenti nell’allegato.

17 febbraio 2023 Two-year post-doc position at University of Milan

Deadline: 8th March 2023.
A two-year post-doc position on the project entitled “The lncRNA PHOX2B-AS1 in the pathogenesis and as potential drug target in Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS)” founded by the Telethon Foundation, is available at the “Molecular Pharmacology” laboratory (PI Prof. Fornasari), Dept. of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine, University of Milan. The interview will be on March 16th, 2023. The starting date is April 1st, 2023.

17 febbraio 2023 Postdoc position at University College Dublin

Deadline: 6th March 2023
University College Dublin is recruiting a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on a lab-based childhood cancer research project at Systems Biology Ireland funded by the Children’s Health Foundation under the SFI Frontiers for the Future programme.

13 febbraio 2023 10 PhD positions - INTERNATIONAL PHD PROGRAMME

Deadline: 31 March 2023.
Chrom_Rare is a EU-funded consortium relying on a collaborative effort of multi-disciplinary research teams all around Europe, that share the aim of working towards unveiling the molecular basis of chromatinopthies to delineate innovative therapeutic solutions. The consortium provides 10 PhD projects (DCs), distributed among the different partner laboratories.

30 gennaio 2023 A technologist position at CEINGE - Naples

The Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) Facility at CEINGE - Naples, is recruiting a technologist to assist users in daily operations and conduct directed imaging related research. The successful candidate will work with a wide range of researchers from CEINGE, the associated Medical School, Universities and other Research Center.

12 gennaio 2023 Two post-lauream research positions at the CEINGE - University of Naples

Two post-lauream research positions are available in the laboratory of Caterina Missero at the CEINGE, via G. Salvatore 486, Naples, Italy.
The projects related to the two positions are as follows: -The first project aims at studying molecular pathways and identifying therapeutic strategies in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (funded by an AIRC Investigator Grant). -The second project aims at establishing a gene editing therapy for a rare disease of the skin (funded by a Telethon Grant).
The following qualifications and skills are required: excellent curriculum of study; molecular/cellular laboratory experience; written and oral communication skills in English. Outstanding motivation, additional experience and publications will be considered a plus.
A 2-year full-time contract starting from February 2023 will be available with a salary according to CV/experience.
Candidates are invited to send informal applications (containing a detailed CV with a publication list and contact details of PIs for reference letters) to Caterina Missero (e-mail:

10 gennaio 2023 Postdoc positions at the Human Technopole (Milan)

Deadline: 10 february 2023.
The Prof. Testa lab is looking to recruit two Postdoctoral Researchers as part of two major EU projects the lab was recently awarded with: I) “Risk, Resilience and Developmental Diversity in Mental Health” (R2D2-MH), an interdisciplinary research effort focusing on resilience factors in mental health studying individuals with similar genetic risk but divergent clinical outcomes; and ii) “NEUROCOV”, a major interdisciplinary research consortium focused on the neurological and psychiatric consequences of COVID-19. The Testa lab is looking for passionate researchers with MD or PhD with profound knowledge and research experience in the fields of human molecular neurobiology, neuroimmunology, neurodevelopment and/or neurodegeneration, stem cell and organoid-based disease modelling. Feel free to direct to any queries about the posts.

23 dicembre 2022 Posizioni RTDa presso Università di Bari

Scadenza: 04/01/2023.
n. 7 posizioni di Ricercatore Universitario a tempo determinato della durata di 36 mesi ai sensi dell’art.24, comma 3, lett. a), Legge 240/10, con regime di impegno a tempo pieno per il settore BIO/11 (Biologia Molecolare) presso il gruppo di ricerca coordinato dal prof. Graziano Pesole - Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza.
I bandi sono accessibili al link:
Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile contattare:

06 dicembre 2022 Post-doctoral fellows at University of Turin

Deadline for applications is December 22nd 2022.
The group headed by Dr Isaia Barbieri at the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Turin, is looking for motivated candidates, committed to cancer research, to be enrolled as post-doctoral fellows and take part in the AIRC-start-Up project entitled "Investigating RNA methylation in cancer”.

05 dicembre 2022 Senior research position at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)

Deadline application : February 1st 2023.
A senior research position is available for an individual with outstanding track record in mammalian cell biology and epigenetics and demonstrated organizational / administrative skills, within a research program led by G. Paolo Dotto, MD, PhD at the Cutaneous Biology Research Center (CBRC).

25 novembre 2022 Post doc position at University of Turin

Deadline for applications is December 10th, 2022. The group headed by Prof. Valeria Poli at the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Turin, is looking for motivated candidates to be enrolled as post-doctoral fellows and take part in the AIRC-funded project entitled "Exploiting network analysis to unravel breast cancer molecular features and identify novel targets".

22 novembre 2022 Post doc position at department CIBIO of University of Trento

A three-years post doc position is immediately available in the laboratory of stem cells and cancer genomics of Prof. Fulvio Chiacchiera, actively working to describe the epigenetic mechanisms preserving liver homeostasis and regeneration using an interdisciplinary approach combining in vivo and in vitro models, advanced imaging and next generation sequencing based approaches.

22 novembre 2022 Tecnico di laboratorio di ricerca presso IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, SR-Tiget, Milano

Posizione per 1 tecnico di laboratorio di ricerca nell’Unità di trasferimento genico in cellule staminali guidato dalla Prof.ssa Giuliana Ferrari. Il personale contribuirà a progetti di ricerca di base e traslazionale nell’ambito della terapia genica delle emoglobinopatie, quali lo studio della biologia delle cellule staminali ematopoietiche da pazienti affetti da beta-talassemia e in modelli murini della malattia.

22 novembre 2022 Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Biology, University of Padova

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellow to join the research group of Dr. Gianluca Amadei. The project is supported by the University of Padova and aims to characterize several novel aspects of ETiX-embryoid development, such as their metabolism and neural development, by performing multi-omics analyses and by testing the function of gene candidates using genetically modified versions of ETiX-embryoids.

17 novembre 2022 Computational fellow position at Noncoding RNA lab, University of Milan

A position for a computational fellow is available in the laboratory of Prof. Paolo Gandellini at the Biosciences Department, University of Milan, starting from February-March 2023.

08 novembre 2022 Post-doctoral positions at IRCCS, Candiolo – Torino

The Cancer Molecular Biology group led by Prof. Silvia Giordano at the Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCCS, Candiolo – Torino), Dept of Oncology (University of Torino) invites applications for post-doctoral positions.

03 novembre 2022 Fellowship research position at Dept. Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine - University of Milan

A one-year pre-doctoral position is available at the laboratory of “Molecular Pharmacology”, Dept. of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine of the University of Milan, for someone to work on induced pluripotent stem cells from CCHS patient’s. The project is entitled “The lncRNA PHOX2B-AS1 in the pathogenesis and as potential drug target in Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS)”. The starting date is January, 1st, 2023.

03 novembre 2022 Scholarships of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Deadline: 27 November 2022 (18.00 pm)

03 novembre 2022 Post-doctoral research fellow at Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital - Roma

One position of research fellowship is open at the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital for the project “DISSECTING THE ROLE OF BETA-KLOTHO PROTEIN IN NAFLD PATHOGENESIS TO DESIGN NOVEL FUNCTION/STRUCTURE-BASED COMPOUNDS SUITABLE FOR THERAPY” . The position will be appointed to a Biologist or Biotechnologist with a PhD in molecular biology or an expertise in molecular biology.

31 ottobre 2022 PhD and Postdoctoral positions - University College Dublin

PhD and Postdoctoral opportunities in Non-Coding RNA and Cancer research are available in the Laboratory for Genomics of Long Noncoding RNAs (GOLD Lab) - Prof. Rory Johnson. They search young researchers with experimental or quantitative backgrounds, seeking a challenge at the forefront of genomics, computational biology and RNA therapeutics.

27 ottobre 2022 Postdoc position at Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO) - Trento

The project is centered on determining the contribution of epigenetic reprogramming in promoting cancer dormancy of disseminated tumor cells. Lab of Chromatin Biology & Epigenetics - Prof. Alessio Zippo

24 ottobre 2022 Postdoc in cardiac and skeletal muscle research @ Humanitas (Milan, Italy)

PostDoc position is available in the group of Dr. Marie-Louise Bang at the Institute of Genetic and Biomedical Research - National Research Council (IRGB-CNR), Milan Unit, located at Humanitas Research Hospital in Rozzano (Milan), Italy. The group is part of the Cardiovascular Department headed by Prof. Gianluigi Condorelli.

18 ottobre 2022 Lab Manager position - University of Padua

Lab Manager position in the Department of Biology at the University of Padua to provide support to Professor Graziano Martello's Research Group who is working on Pluripotent Stem cell biology.

13 ottobre 2022 SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF) - 2022

Deadline:1 December 2022.
This funding scheme is for people of any nationality who wanted to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF) with Switzerland as their destination country.

13 ottobre 2022 ERN Research Mobility Fellowships Programme - 2022

Deadline: 13 November 2022.
Research Mobility Fellowship Programme dedicated to young researchers in the European Reference Networks (ERNs). The aim of the programme is to foster the acquisition of skills and knowledge relevant to rare disease research. Both clinical and translational research projects are eligible for funding.

13 ottobre 2022 Post-doctoral Fellowships at University of Rome Tor Vergata, is l

The group headed by Prof. Alessandro Michienzi at the section of Biology, Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, is looking for motivated candidates, with passionate interest in translational molecular and cell biology, to be enrolled as post-doctoral fellows, and take part in the project entitled “Design and development of RNA based drugs”, funded by MUR-PNRR.

13 ottobre 2022 BrightFocus Foundation National Glaucoma Research Program – FELLOWSHIP - 2022

Deadline: 25 October 2022 (17:00 EST).
BrightFocus provides research funds for U.S. and international researchers pursuing pioneering research leading to greater understanding, prevention, and treatment of glaucoma.

13 ottobre 2022 ESID Fellowships - 2022

Deadline: 23 October 2022.
ESID Fellowships are designed to provide financial support to physicians or scientists in training interested in learning diagnostic/therapeutic procedures or lab techniques in the field of Primary Immunodeficiencies.

13 ottobre 2022 AACR-John and Elizabeth Leonard Family Foundation Basic Cancer Research Fellowships – 2022

Deadline: 21 October 2022 (13:00 US Eastern Time).
The AACR-John and Elizabeth Leonard Family Foundation Basic Cancer Research Fellowships are intended to encourage and support postdoctoral or clinical research fellows to carry out a mentored basic cancer research project, to give them experience of conducting their own project and support in establishing a successful career path in cancer research. Research proposed for funding may be in any area of basic cancer research. Budget and duration: The award has a value of $120,000 over two years.

13 ottobre 2022 AACR-Exelixis Renal Cell Carcinoma Research Fellowship - 2022

Deadline: 19 October 2022 (13:00 US EST).
The AACR-Exelixis Renal Cell Carcinoma Research Fellowship represents a joint effort to encourage and support postdoctoral or clinical research fellows to conduct renal cell carcinoma research and to establish a successful career path in the field. The research proposed for funding may be basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiological in nature and must have direct applicability and relevance to renal cell carcinoma. Budget: The fellowship provides a two-year grant of $120,000.

04 ottobre 2022 post-doc IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute

E’ disponibile, a partire da Gennaio 2023, una posizione post-dottorale della durata di due anni nel laboratorio diretto dal Dr. Oreste Segatto all’Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena di Roma. Il candidato prescelto dovrà lavorare nell’ambito di un progetto finanziato da AIRC.

04 ottobre 2022 post-doc SR-Tiget

Deadline: the position will remain open until it is filled. A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Mechanisms of Inflammation in Health and Disease led by Dr. Alessandra Mortellaro at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget).

27 luglio 2022 Post-doc Fellowship in Molecular Oncology - Univ. Cattolica Sacro Cuore Roma

27 luglio 2022 RESEARCH FELLOW POSITION - SR-Tiget Milano

A research fellow position is immediately available in Anna Villa’s lab at SR-Tiget to study the bone marrow niche and immune reconstitution in immune disorders upon innovative pre-transplant conditioning regimens.

05 luglio 2022 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award- National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) – 2023

Deadlines: Letters of Intent must be submitted by the deadline of 5 October 2022. Invited full application must be submitted by November 2, 2022 by 12 AM Central Time
The National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards are to serve as a bridge from postdoctoral positions to junior faculty positions.

05 luglio 2022 IBSA Foundation for Scientific Research - FELLOWSHIP 2022

Deadline: 31-12-2022
The IBSA Foundation for Scientific Research awards six fellowships each year to young researchers for projects in the following research fields: Dermatology, Endocrinology, Fertility and Urology, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, Pain Medicine, Healthy Aging (2022 special edition)

05 luglio 2022 Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer Research – Fellowship 2022

Deadline: 01-12-2022
The Fondation pour la Recherche Nuovo-Soldati (Nuovo-Soldati Foundation for Cancer Research) is a not-for-profit organisation. The aim of these projects should be to improve the understanding of carcinogenesis or to develop new techniques or treatments for cancer patients. Priority will be given to projects that are taking place outside of the fellows country of origin or within national centres of excellence.