More informations:
March 1, 2023
The aim of this conference is to gather the RNA Binding Proteins (RBP) community and focus on the potentiality of these proteins as druggable targets.
Organizer: Alessandro Provenzani, Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Trento, Italy
Registration Fee: $0
We are pleased to announce the re-organization of the “2.0nd Meeting of the Italian C.elegans Research Community” (M.I.C.e.R.Co.) to be held in Naples on 2 and 3 March 2023, after the cancellation of the previous edition in 2020 due to the pandemic. The registration and the submission of abstracts will be possible from 5 November 2022 to 15 December 2022.
See details on “abstracts and registration” section.
Formazione online completamente gratuita sotto forma di MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Corso rivolto principalmente per studenti in biologia/scienze biomediche, PhD students e PostDoc, professionisti in ambito sanitario, ma anche a pazienti e a tutti coloro che sono interessati ad approfondire le proprie conoscenze sulle malattie rare.
Deadline: February 2023
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry will publish a Special Issue on "Emerging role of non-coding RNAs in plant development and stress responses" for research and review work.
Interested parties can find more information on the website of newspaper or ask the overseeing editor, Luigi Ceci