Registration is currently open for the EMBO practical workshop dedicated to Circular RNAs: gROUNDbreaking approaches for advancing circRNA research: detection, function, therapeutics, to be held from 31 May to 6 June 2025 at CIBIO.
Students will have the unique opportunity to learn new techniques through hands-on practical training and to be exposed to the leading academic and biotech scientists in the field.
Students will have the unique opportunity to learn new techniques through hands-on training and engage with leading academic and biotechnology researchers in the field. During the lectures, students will learn more about the technological background and the latest advances in biochemistry, physiology and medicine related to Circular RNAs.
We would be pleased if you would share this invitation with your members, co-workers or students and help promote this significant educational opportunity.
13 – 16 October 2024 - Capri, Italy. Unlocking human brain complexity using 3D culture and single-cell omics
Breakthrough Imaging Technologies for Biomedical Research. Deadline for application 30 th April 2024
SAVE THE DATE! 17-19 June 2024 - 19th SIBBM Seminar 2024 – Frontiers in Molecular Biology
The time of Molecular Biology: development, homeostasis and aging.
Don't miss the SIBBM Pre-meeting (Trento, Italy: 15-17 June 2024): a dynamic workshop focused on shaping your path in the world of scientific research.
SAVE THE DATE! 25-27 march 2024 - Bologna, Italy. The meeting is designed to bring together Ph.D. students who work on research related to cellular and molecular biology.
SAVE THE DATE! 13-16 may 2024 - Trieste, Italy. The event will gather leading scientists, clinicians, and researchers from around the world providing a unique opportunity to delve into the latest discoveries and innovations related to TP53 biology and explore the intricate role of TP53 in cancer and its potential for transformative impact in oncology.
SAVE THE DATE: January 30th 2024 - from 3:00-5:30pm CET (Zoom). This event features important research institutions in New York, including Columbia University, New York University, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Rockefeller University. This Zoom event will guide Italian researchers in planning their scientific career, finding research opportunities in New York, identifying funding resources, and receiving mentorship when applying for research positions. The event targets scientists looking for graduate or postdoctoral research appointments in New York. Participants will learn about exciting research opportunities in New York and the resources that are available to help secure these positions. They will meet institutional administrators and researchers who can provide advice and assist with the application process. Several partner institutions will also present their fellowship and grant opportunities. Everyone interested in attending the event needs to register on Eventbrite:
SAVE THE DATE: 11 novembre 2023 ore 10:00 - Università di Trento. La mostra sarà inaugurata l’11 novembre con un programma speciale e rimarrà aperta fino al 31 dicembre 2023
SAVE THE DATE! 7-9 February 2024 - Palermo, Italy. This meeting will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the most innovative and exciting research currently ongoing in Italy using the zebrafish model.
SAVE THE DATE! 07 – 10 November 2023 | Seville, Spain
SAVE THE DATE! 23-25 October 2023 - Naples, Italy - The 33rd Annual meeting of the Network for European CNS Transplantation and Restoration (NECTAR) will bring together leading scientists across the world in the fields of neuroscience and regenerative medicine to focus on recent advances in modeling human brain disorders and understanding molecular mechanisms underlying disorders of the central nervous system, including neuroinflammation and immunomodulation.
SAVE THE DATE! 3 July 2023
L’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) promuove l’evento “Spazio X Tutti” in programma il 5 giugno 2023, un incontro con realtà pubbliche e private nazionali allo scopo di intercettare soggetti che sinora non hanno avuto interazioni con l’Agenzia. L’obiettivo non è solo quello di promuovere, sviluppare e diffondere la ricerca scientifica e tecnologica applicata al settore spaziale e aerospaziale, ma anche quello di creare prodotti innovativi che possano svilupparsi in ambiti scientifici trasversali.
Le scuole di comunicazione della ricerca scientifica (CRS) 2023 saranno due: la scuola estiva CRS, dal 29 al 31 agosto 2023 a Viterbo, e la scuola autunnale CRS, dal 3 al 5 ottobre 2023 a Pieve Tesino (Trento).
EMBL invites members of the life sciences community in Italy, including its own alumni and staff, to EMBL in Italy 2023: Chance and necessity: the indispensable role of curiosity-driven life sciences, held on Thursday to Friday 18-19 May 2023. This free event is open to all and includes coffee breaks and finger food. If you would like to attend in-person, please register as early as possible to secure a spot.
SAVE THE DATE! 13 April 2023
SAVE THE DATE! 19-20 June 2023 - Trento, Italy
SAVE THE DATE! 21-23 September 2023 - Paestum, Italy
Deadline: 10 marzo 2023
SAVE THE DATE! 20-25 August 2023 - Florence, Italy
Open from 6 to 10 February
SAVE THE DATE! Bari 26-28 June 2023
December 13, 2022 – h. 6.00 p.m. - GoToWebinar platform
Il 22 novembre 2022 alle ore 9:00 presso l'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Palazzo Corsini, Via della Lungara 10, Roma), si terrà il convegno internazionale: CONTROLLING VIRAL PANDEMICS: A CRUCIAL CHALLENGE FOR HUMANKIND.
Lo scorso 16 settembre è stata pubblicata la relazione con le conclusioni del Comitato tecnico che ha gestito la fase delle consultazioni pubbliche sulle Piattaforme Nazionali da realizzare presso la Fondazione Human Technopole (HT).
“The RNA World 3.0” SIBBM 2022 Seminar held in Rome on June 20th-22nd has been a great success. A few numbers: 17 invited speakers and 19 talks selected from 157 presented abstracts, 270 participants of which 139 Junior, lively discussions after the talks and at the poster sessions.
Reggia di Portici (Naples), Italy 14-16 September 2022
SIBBM Steering Committee elections 2022
Symposium in memory of John L Telford, 8-9 September 2022, Siena, Italy
On the 'Corriere' an article from 'Scienziate per la società' about risk / benefit ratio for vaccination 5-11 years.
Nuove risorse e borse di studio alle istituzioni scientifiche degli Stati che si candideranno.
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