Diego Pasini performed his post doc at the Biotech Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) of the University of Copenhagen, headed by Prof. Helin. Successively, he moved to Milan where he started his own laboratory at the Department of Experimental Oncology (DEO) of the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) as a junior Group Leader, entering a tenure-track program. In 2015, he was appointed as tenured Group Leader at IEO. In 2018 Dr. Pasini also became Associate Professor in Molecular Biology at University of Milan.
His work represents a milestone in the field of epigenetic regulation of transcription, development, stem cell and cancer biology. Since the beginning of his career, he has focused on the mechanisms regulating transcription in a physiological and pathological context, with particular emphasis on their implications in human diseases such as cancer, being thus well recognized in this research field within the intgernational scientific community. The ongoing scientific activities of Prof. Pasini are exploring the epigenetic mechanisms underlying gastrointestinal tumorigenesis and its metastatic potential. Thanks to his knowledge in the field of epigenetics and transcriptomics, together with his extensive expertise in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, high-throughput genome wide studies and mouse biology, Prof. Pasini has shown a remarkable scientific productivity, authoring 56 publications in peer reviewed journals.
He is supported by several national and international organizations such as AIRC, Fondazione Veronesi and ERC, and he has received several honours, including Young Investigator Grants from EMBO. Over the years, he has established fruitful, long lasting collaborations with renowned scientists around the world.